Coalescence latest character of the great pilgrimage app "pilgrimage Navi", two of the app was previously released in one! New features also have been added.
四国八十八ヶ所霊場と四国別格二十霊場、二つの霊場の数を足すと人間の煩悩の数百八つとなることから、一緒に巡拝される人も多いため、今回のアプリを作成しました。以前の「お遍路なび」と同様に札所の一覧や地図から目的の札所の情報を見たり、宿坊を持った札所には予約のために電話を掛けることが出来るようになっています。地図上から札所を選ぶ機能は八十八ケ所、別格二十霊場とそれぞれ表示が出来ますが、今回新たに、百八カ所すべてを地図上に表示させる機能を追加しました。それに伴い八十八ケ所霊場のマーカーは赤いカバーの金剛杖、別格二十霊場は青いカバーの金剛杖に変更し、霊場の違いを分かりやすくしてあります。デザインはシンプル(飾りっ気が無い)ですが、福祉用具の専門家である作業療法士の監修により字やボタンが大きく操作しやすい、使う人にやさしい画面構成となっております。歩き遍路を中心に考えて製作していますが、車遍路でも使えます。動作テストはAndroid5.0、Android4.42とAndroid4.2を搭載した端末で実施しています。遍路道によってはナビ機能で案内しない道もありますので、人に聞いたり、へんろみち保存協力会の地図も見るなどして位置を確認しながら進みましょう。Shikoku eighty-eight places Sacred Sites and Shikoku special twenty sacred places, from the fact that several hundred eight of the human earthly desires and plus the number of two sacred places,For many people that are pilgrimage together, we created the current app.Or look at the information of the purpose of Fudasho from the previous "pilgrimage Navi" in the same manner as in a list or map of Fudasho,The Fudasho with a Shukubo has become to be able to place a call for reservation.Function to choose a Fudasho from on the map eighty-eight places, but you can display each and special twenty sacred places,New this time, all one hundred and eight places Added the ability to be displayed on the map.Marker of eighty-eight places Sacred Sites Along with that is the red cover Kongozue,Special twenty sacred places is changed to the blue cover Kongozue, you Yes and easy to understand the difference between the sacred place.Design is simple (not care Tsu decorations), the supervision of an occupational therapist, an expert in assistive devices shaped or button is large and easy to operate, making it a friendly screen configuration to those who use.We produce to think about the walking pilgrimage, but it can also be used in the car pilgrimage.Operation test is Android5.0, it has been carried out in equipped with terminal Android4.42 and Android4.2.Because by road pilgrimage there is also a road that does not guided by the navigation function,Listen to the people, lets proceed while checking the position by, for example, also see a map of the pilgrimage road save Cooperation Council.内部処理を更新しました。